Friday, April 27, 2012

H2-Oh-No! that picture pretty much sums things up. I have GOT to drink more water! But WOW...that is sooooooo much easier said then done!

I have never been a fan of drinking water. I grew up in Philadelphia. The water there is just plain nasty. (For my Northern peeps...does schuylkill punch ring a bell?) Ick. Things were then made worse when you visited the water treatment plant with your school. Can you say gross? Even with filters I feel like I can taste every mineral, additive, chemical...I mean it. Everything. Blah. Even with those convenient little powder packages, it still tastes funny to me.

But I'm forcing myself.

I sort of had a wake up call at a recent vocal seminar. My voice means the world to me. Apparently, if I don't hydrate enough and try to sing, I could potentially ruin my voice. I'm guessing the same thing goes for exercise...If I don't hydrate, I suppose that could do bad things to my body.

But let's discuss numbers. I rarely do this, but really. I'm a little concerned.

I'm supposed to drink HALF my body weight in ounces of water PER DAY? Even more after a hard work out? For me that's 160 ounces of water a day. That seems INSANE!?!?!? (and yes, I realize that you smarty pants who are good at math now know how much I weigh)

Today I've almost drank 96 ounces, and I already feel like I should be getting activity points for the amount of time I'm running back and forth to the bathroom! Eeek! Can someone out there tell me that it will get better!!!!

I'm having a hard time with this one folks. Ugh.
One Day at a time I suppose...

1 comment:

  1. When I was pregnant with the girls I drank 96 to 112 oz a day...increased blood flow, I needed more fluid. You stabilize, I promise, Your body is trying to figure out what is going on and once it realizes, you will stabilize. And oh so good for your skin, too!

    I promise, it's a good thing.
