Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I do believe...

Hey there folks! Sorry it's been a while!

I figured it was about time for an 'update' kind of post about how I've been feeling.

It's been about three months since I went fully and completely gluten free (and watching my diet for those other pesky allergens listed in my previous post) so I'm thrilled to report that I've been feeling AMAZING!

Some of my issues have begun to resolve themselves.

For those not aware, here are some of what were previously becoming a regular part of my daily life:

  • Headaches:  Haven't had ANY since I changed my diet. 
  • Heart Palpitations: None to report!
  • Joint Pain:  Not nearly as bad, and I haven't had to take any pain relievers.
  • Mid Day Fatigue: No problems there, and functioning much better at work!
  • Rash: Completely gone and skin is in the recovery process.
  • Thinning Hair: Starting to grow back in! 
  • Weight Gain: Finally in the reversal process and I'm now actually losing! 

I must admit, when I started my journey with this new team of doctors; I was completely skeptical. Some things I still don't understand fully, but the results really do speak for themselves.

Food sensitivities can affect you more than you could imagine. The correlation between them and several prominent health issues is of real concern, and I'm glad that research is being done. I couldn't imagine where I'd be if someone hadn't made the connection for me. It really has changed my life.

I'm getting better at not focusing on the foods that I miss (Because OH GODS there are some days I would kill for Pizza or a Gooey Dessert!) but I digress...too much of those things are what made me sick in the first place. I'll now gladly choose an apple over that piece of chocolate cake.

People occasionally look at me funny, but a good majority are moving toward understanding. There are still some who will try to feed me and think I'm crazy. They take offense when I turn down their fresh made goodies, and some may even tell you that gluten free is just a fad.

  • I have no desire to force my lifestyle on anyone. It REALLY is difficult...but I will ask you this: Why is it more acceptable to shove a pill down your throat instead of changing your diet? 

I may have initially been a skeptic, but that was then...

Call me a LION because now I DO BELIEVE! I DO! I DO! I DO! 

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Just a quick Note... has been super busy!

I haven't written here much, but hope to post more soon! 

In the meantime...
I wanted to tell you all that my fitness story has been featured on an awesome website! You should totally check it out!

Also...If you ever want to get a hold of me to ask a question, or just wanna say hello, I can always be reached at my facebook page.

Thanks for your continued support!

Again...I PROMISE to post more soon! 

Always remember...Be FIT and Be HAPPY!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Belly, Happy Body - Let's talk Food Sensitivities

Those of you who have been following my journey know that it has been quite the weird and windy road for me. A few months ago, I had that crazy rash, found out that my thyroid was suddenly going haywire, changing my body chemistry, and as a result I ventured into the Gluten Free lifestyle.

Fast forward a month or so, my rash had gone away but things still felt weird. That weirdness is really hard to describe. I was always on edge, but at the same time exhausted, and my skin would still get that creepy crawly 'you're gonna break out at any second' feeling.

I was REALLY behaving on the diet, so I was completely confused. I kept trying to figure out what my 'triggers' could be. Was it my shampoo? Lotion perhaps? Laundry Detergent? I think maybe it's coffee and chocolate. I was in a weird place and analyzing EVERYTHING I put in or on me.

I took a chance and started seeing a new doctor. 

He is by no means what you would consider conventional. He's a chiropractor that specializes in metabolic and thyroid disorders. His treatment takes a 'whole body' approach. Meaning that he wants to treat patients as a whole, not just one symptom at a time...and he also uses a natural approach as much as possible. After my initial consultation (which holy cow was more in depth then any other doctor I've ever seen!) I was sent for a TON of labwork.

Fast forward again to this week...My results are finally in! Yikes!

Above and beyond gluten, I have a whole slew of food sensitivities I wasn't aware of. Before I give you this list...let me try to explain what a 'sensitivity' is. A sensitivity is not quite as bad as a full blown allergy, but it's still pretty bad for you. Think of it like can go out in the sun, but you may get sunburn. Stay out too long, and you get sun poisoning. Make sense? Basically, the more you expose yourself to these items, the worse you'll feel.

So...Here's my mother of a list!

Polish Wheat
Dairy (including Chocolate)

That's quite a list isn't it? Now mind you, these are not 'quacky' results that are just based on feelings or history. This list is a compiled result of some very specific blood lab tests.

Needless to say, I thought I was eating well, but now have to buckle down and do even better. I'm keeping a food diary, and will soon be meeting with a nutritionist regarding all of this. I'll be headed to the grocery store tomorrow with my little cheat sheet in hand, and learning how to get creative with my food.

My adventure just got a little bit more crazy...
But hey, crazy is pretty much the story of my life.

All I know is that I want to be healthy...
and a Happy Belly equals a Happy Body

Stay tuned for more of my results...

What, you didn't think that was it did you? LOL

Until Next time, Stay happy and healthy! 

aka The Contrary Athlete

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The two C's of Negativity


These two words can be detrimental to our health if we let them.

Too often; I find people's hearts are in the right place, but their minds get the best of them when it comes to getting healthy and working out. Myself included! We all want to do good. We pick someone to look up to, and that's about where start to go wrong... 

We start comparing ourselves to what other people can do, and end up getting discouraged when we don't reach the levels that they can. We forget that we are ALL individuals and are ALL different! 

It's okay to look up to someone as an example. But you have to find what is good for you as an individual. From food, right on down to shoes, what someone else uses may not end up being what is best for you.

The only person that you should compare yourself to is the person you used to be.

The only person that you should be in competition with is the person you used to be.

Remember who YOU are and why YOU started your journey.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm not a Rabbit! I just eat like one. Maybe...?

You gotta admit...Rabbits are freaking cute. Well except for the fact that they can be a little high maintenance. They require attention, eat tons of lettuce and carrots, then poop a lot. Like really. A lot. I don't wanna be like that! So friends, take note...please stop telling me I'm eating like a rabbit!

I've had to change my whole diet thanks to this whole 'auto-immune thyroid god only knows whatever else' thing that's happening to me...and I mean completely change. Total 180. Or is it 360? I never was good at math! That's what my husband is for! But back to my point...

I've been talking the good talk about being 'Fit and Happy' but I really haven't been walking that walk. Yes, I've done a bunch of races, had some triumphs, and am overall way better then I used to be, but am I the best that I can be? My recent Wake Up Call has pretty much answered that...

Apparently Gluten and Processed or Enriched foods can severely affect your thyroid. If you've been reading my previous posts, you know that I've been battling some ridiculous hives, heart palpitations, and a bunch of other mess. The doctors' best theories point to all of this being related, and my body and my thyroid are basically at war. Isn't that crazy? If someone tells me that a better diet can help any of this get better, heck YES I'm gonna listen! I'm at wits end, and about ready to try anything!

I've been on this 'diet' for about 3 weeks now. I've cut gluten out as much as possible (still learning what's what with that) and pretty much don't touch processed or enriched food. A health coach that I've come to trust through all of this, put it into words I could easily understand...I'm pretty much on my way to what's commonly known as clean eating. If it has roamed on the ground (meaning Lean Meats) falls from a tree (meaning Fruits) or grows from the ground in natural ways (meaning Veggies and Naturally Gluten Free 'Grains' like Quinoa or Buckwheat) I can eat it. Or at least give it a try and see how I feel. I do also allow myself some dairy and nuts, but both in limited quantities.

I'm happy to report that I'm about 90% hive free at this point. Some of the other problems are still sticking around, but I'm seeing a Rheumatologist about this whole mess tomorrow. I will continue to remain positive and move forward.

There will always be strength in my smile... 

So...basically...if you happen to know me personally, and notice that I'm eating quite a bit differently then I used to; please know that it's not a fad. There's actually a reason for it.

If you don't personally know me, but have facebook... feel free to check out my daily adventures over at

Until next time friends...stay healthy, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Perils of Unknown Origin and Other Medical Mysteries...

Have you ever just been having a great day, and then suddenly BAM! Something insane happens and changes everything?

Yep...that's pretty much today for me.

I've been on a healthy, balanced diet for almost 2 weeks now. My hives have almost completely gone away, and my itching is all but minimal. I've been so happy and couldn't help but feel relieved that whatever mess caused this, may finally be working it's way out of my system.

Ha. So much for Hope and Change...guess those only work for the President.

I was sitting at my desk this afternoon, when I suddenly started feeling funny. The only way to describe it was like butterflies or nerves before you go on stage. This feeling was quickly followed by a cycle of episodes in which my heart would slow down, hiccup, cause me to take a deep breath, then beat extremely fast to catch up with itself. I'm talking a jump from 70 to over 130 in a matter of seconds (or so said the EMT, but we'll get to that...) This was also followed by the sudden onset of terrible headaches.

I was a good girl. I called my doctor right away. I work in healthcare, and the thing that gets stuck in your brain is that when it's cardiac, you don't wait. I gave the triage nurse all my symptoms and she took a message and told me to stay by the phone. She called back within a few minutes and instructed me to call 911.
Well at this point I became terrified, which of course didn't help the situation. I had my awesome co-worker accompany me down to the parking lot because there was no way in hell I was having a stretcher come all the way upstairs and make a spectacle out of me. I know...wrong time to be modest or worry about being embarrassed, but oh well.

Within minutes the fire company arrived on scene and asked me a bunch of questions until the ambulance arrived, then they handed me over. (lemme tell ya... a bunch of fireman doting over me was kinda hot, but we'll just keep that enjoyment between us, shall we? LOL) Anyways, they put me on the stretcher, got me in the rig, and started with the evaluation. Took a reading of my heart, gave me oxygen, put in an IV, checked my sugar...I gave them all kinds of weird readings at first, but by the time we arrived at the hospital, things were already starting to calm down.

We got me to a room, made me comfy, hooked me up to the heart monitor, ran some bloodwork...and a few hours later I was on my way. I felt fine. Tests showed nothing of concern. Nothing. Zip. Nadda.

While, of course I'm happy that my heart is fine; I can't help but wonder why the heck all of these weird medical anomalies keep happening to me. I'm seriously contemplating changing my middle name to 'of unknown origin...' some point in the near future, I get to wear a halter monitor for three days. Then I also get to see a Rheumatologist next week about the rash and auto immune symptoms. (mentioned in my last blog entry) I'm supposed to also mention this episode to him, as it may or may not be involved.

I'm a bit discouraged and wondering if trying to get healthy is bad for my health! Ok...not really, but I gotta keep a sense of humor, right? I'd like for this whole mess to stop. I feel like I'm losing the light that helps me shine...

So Ugh...just quadruple Ugh with some Grrrr mixed in. 
That is all. 
Please keep me in your thoughts. 

Until Next time...

Sincerely, Contrary Athlete of Unknown Origin. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Girl is On Fire

Hey there friends…It sure has been a while!

You think I’d come here to write about my recent accomplishments. Like fact that I’m still racing. Or that I’m ‘almost’ back under 300lbs. Perhaps you’d think I’d write about my attempting to mentor this year’s class of triathletes, or that I’ve completed both a 10K and ‘almost’ a half marathon since I last wrote.

Nah…I’m here for a bit of therapeutic venting. Let’s talk about Hives; shall we?

That’s right. HIVES. You’ve all had them. Those red, splotchy, evil, itchy, nasty beasts from hell. Be it from a bug bite, or perhaps a heat rash. Some even get them from stress. Not me. When I get them, I’ve got to go above and beyond any of the usual suspects. I get to have them ALL OVER my body! With no apparent cause! Could you imagine!?!?!?!

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves…

Around this time last year I was training hard for my first triathlon. It was feeling good, but I got a strange, itchy, slightly painful reaction the day after swimming in one of the ‘warmer’ pools. We chalked it up to chemicals. A Doctor’s visit, some steroids, some oatmeal baths, and a few tubes of hydrocortisone later, all was right with the world. I started showering before and after swimming, and never thought another thing about it.

Until last month…

I signed up to be a mentor for the triathlon program this year. The first ‘real’ swim session was on April 14th. I was so excited for these new women, and hopeful to instill some of my knowledge and experience in them. It was a great day! I felt amazing. I showered immediately after getting out of the pool. The usual…and again, didn’t think anything of it.

Until the Next Day…

I started getting those itchy splotches on my belly again. Even a little on my thighs. I did exactly what I did for them last year, except this time; it didn’t seem to be working. I gave it a few days to see if maybe it would calm down. Ha Ha. Nope. It started to burn and feel worse. By the end of that week, I knew it was time to see the doctor. I made an appointment with the PA at my Primary Care office. She looked at it and thought it was either an allergic reaction, or perhaps poison ivy (which I am highly allergic to.) She gave me a steroid shot, a prescription for cream to rub on it, told me to take an antihistamine, and said to give it a few days.

Well…a few days went by and I was feeling even worse. I sent her an email asking what else I could do. She replied saying she didn’t want to give me more steroids, but requested that I have some blood work, and referred me immediately to a Dermatologist. The Dermatologist then saw me a day or so later, took one look at my ‘rash’ and was positive this was hives from some type of allergic reaction. She prescribed another antihistamine (this now makes two) and a different type of gel to rub on the rash. She also seemed surprised that the steroid shot didn’t help relieve any of my symptoms.

A few more days went by, and I just wasn’t getting better. I emailed the PA at my Primary Care office again, and begged for a referral to an allergist. She happily obliged. She’s cool like that. The allergist was thankfully able to fit me in the next morning. I was thrilled to think that this might actually get resolved. Ha Ha…positivity. Isn’t that just special…

The Allergist was a super nice, awesome man who talked to me like a human being and said we were gonna figure this out. Obviously the antihistamines, creams, gels, and steroids were not working for me at this point, so he decided to do a skin test. More then a few scratches and several needles later, he had some working idea of what was going on. Turns out, I’m not really allergic to much besides grass and dust. Things were sounding hopeful at this point, until he told me those wouldn’t be enough to cause a reaction like this. He wrote a bunch of things out for me, and then mentioned that this may be auto immune related. I gave him a quizzical look at this point, and he assured me that because I have a low functioning thyroid, that I should definitely mention this to my endocrinologist. So, while he couldn’t actually tell me what WAS causing this, he knew what WASN’T, and that made me feel a little better. He also upped my dose of antihistamines. Hallelujah to that! Here’s what just one of my legs looks like…

Well, as luck would have it, I was also seeing my Endocrinologist that afternoon. We chatted a bit, I mentioned the hives to her, and I told her what the Allergist said. Well…she all but told me that he and I were both crazy for thinking my thyroid could be the issue. She assured me that my thyroid hormone levels were fine, told me the Allergist should not have worried me like that, and said that I really should go back to see my Dermatologist at this point. Well, imagine my devastation. The Allergist seemed to be the ONLY one who actually had some clue as to what was happening. I left her office feeling defeated, and still itching like hell.

What the Allergist said about this potentially being auto-immune related was still in my head that evening, so I did a little investigating. I found several case studies involving females with normal thyroid ranges, but whose antibodies were WAY off, and who also had severe hives. I then sent my Endocrinologist an email with these links and begged her to please test my antibodies in the off chance that this was the cause. Really, I’d rather be safe and let her believe I’m crazy, then to end up sorry and missing a diagnosis. She obliged, if anything to humor me and get me off her back.

This brings us to yesterday. 22 gosh dang days from when this started. I got a phone call from the endocrinologist with my final test results. She was shocked. It appears that this indeed may be auto-immune related. My thyroid antibodies are through the freaking roof, and I’m also what’s considered ANA positive. That’s apparently the ‘stepping stone’ test to indicate an auto immune issue. So, between that and the thyroid readings, she is referring me to a Rheumatologist. It was also suggested that I change my diet completely, and consider going gluten free. Boy, is that an adventure in itself. We’ll save that for another day…

I’m happy, and sad all at the same time.

I want this over with, or at the very least managed. It’s taking a toll on me. My usual sparkle and positivity are quite dim at the moment. I can barely do any of the things I’ve come to love. Running hurts, because even with body glide; the sweat and rub of clothing is almost too much to bear…and although we’re positive the pool did not do this to me; it kinda seems like a trigger.   

So there you have it, 4 doctors, steroids, several antihistamines, some gel, some cream, and a helluva lot of itching later, and we just barely have a diagnosis.

If you’ve made it this far into my saga, I thank you for tagging along. I’m pretty much running on empty at this point, and there isn’t a gas station in site. Forgive the pessimism, but I fear that the light at the end of the tunnel is just another freight train waiting to plow me over.

Keep me in your thoughts would you.

23 Days with this mess and counting…Ugh. Just Ugh. 

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