Friday, March 16, 2012

Breakfast of Champions?

I found myself wondering about breakfast this morning...
  • How necessary is it to my health?
  • Are there true benefits to eating early in the day? 
  • What constitutes a "healthy balanced breakfast?"
It may make you laugh, but I have good reason to think about these things.

Those who know me (ESPECIALLY my Husband) will tell you that I LOVE to sleep. We often joke that if it were possible for a human to hibernate, I totally would. I wait to the last minute to get up in the morning, rush to get ready, and run out the door. EVERY day. I seriously have a love affair with my bed.

This means that I RARELY ever eat breakfast at home. I either pop a quick granola bar with a diet soda, or I hit fast food on the way into work. Now...I know that stopping for fast food doesn't always have to be so bad, but let's face it; I live in the south and the smell of fresh biscuits, or the lure of the golden arches all but makes me drive off the road in the morning!

So, in my brain I am formulating a plan. I know I'll never get up any earlier then I already, it's time for a healthy compromise.

I did some reading this morning, and the science behind these two articles actually made sense to me:

So, here's my bright idea:

If I grab something healthy on the way out the door, but eat my real breakfast at work, I think I can make healthier choices during the day. When I DO decide to grab fast food on the way in, I should take more time to look at the choices and pick something reasonable!

Today I ate quietly at my desk and it was wonderful.

Whole Wheat Raisin Toast with Peanut Butter.

So now...I'm saying a prayer that I can keep this up!

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