Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Perils of Unknown Origin and Other Medical Mysteries...

Have you ever just been having a great day, and then suddenly BAM! Something insane happens and changes everything?

Yep...that's pretty much today for me.

I've been on a healthy, balanced diet for almost 2 weeks now. My hives have almost completely gone away, and my itching is all but minimal. I've been so happy and couldn't help but feel relieved that whatever mess caused this, may finally be working it's way out of my system.

Ha. So much for Hope and Change...guess those only work for the President.

I was sitting at my desk this afternoon, when I suddenly started feeling funny. The only way to describe it was like butterflies or nerves before you go on stage. This feeling was quickly followed by a cycle of episodes in which my heart would slow down, hiccup, cause me to take a deep breath, then beat extremely fast to catch up with itself. I'm talking a jump from 70 to over 130 in a matter of seconds (or so said the EMT, but we'll get to that...) This was also followed by the sudden onset of terrible headaches.

I was a good girl. I called my doctor right away. I work in healthcare, and the thing that gets stuck in your brain is that when it's cardiac, you don't wait. I gave the triage nurse all my symptoms and she took a message and told me to stay by the phone. She called back within a few minutes and instructed me to call 911.
Well at this point I became terrified, which of course didn't help the situation. I had my awesome co-worker accompany me down to the parking lot because there was no way in hell I was having a stretcher come all the way upstairs and make a spectacle out of me. I know...wrong time to be modest or worry about being embarrassed, but oh well.

Within minutes the fire company arrived on scene and asked me a bunch of questions until the ambulance arrived, then they handed me over. (lemme tell ya... a bunch of fireman doting over me was kinda hot, but we'll just keep that enjoyment between us, shall we? LOL) Anyways, they put me on the stretcher, got me in the rig, and started with the evaluation. Took a reading of my heart, gave me oxygen, put in an IV, checked my sugar...I gave them all kinds of weird readings at first, but by the time we arrived at the hospital, things were already starting to calm down.

We got me to a room, made me comfy, hooked me up to the heart monitor, ran some bloodwork...and a few hours later I was on my way. I felt fine. Tests showed nothing of concern. Nothing. Zip. Nadda.

While, of course I'm happy that my heart is fine; I can't help but wonder why the heck all of these weird medical anomalies keep happening to me. I'm seriously contemplating changing my middle name to 'of unknown origin...'

So...at some point in the near future, I get to wear a halter monitor for three days. Then I also get to see a Rheumatologist next week about the rash and auto immune symptoms. (mentioned in my last blog entry) I'm supposed to also mention this episode to him, as it may or may not be involved.

I'm a bit discouraged and wondering if trying to get healthy is bad for my health! Ok...not really, but I gotta keep a sense of humor, right? I'd like for this whole mess to stop. I feel like I'm losing the light that helps me shine...

So Ugh...just quadruple Ugh with some Grrrr mixed in. 
That is all. 
Please keep me in your thoughts. 

Until Next time...

Sincerely, Contrary Athlete of Unknown Origin. 

1 comment:

  1. Ive def. been there. ive had severe eczema as long as i can remember and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called iga nephropathy 3 years ago. I still struggle with it. There are good days and bad days and it can get very hard but you have to remember you are allowed to have a good cry, youre allowed to want to punch and kick something esspecially yourself.You are allowed to have self pitying moments to be human but in the end you just move forward because life is beautiful and full of amazing things. There may be some limits but that doesn't mean the world isnt full of opportunities and experiences. Look for them and move forward.
