Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I do believe...

Hey there folks! Sorry it's been a while!

I figured it was about time for an 'update' kind of post about how I've been feeling.

It's been about three months since I went fully and completely gluten free (and watching my diet for those other pesky allergens listed in my previous post) so I'm thrilled to report that I've been feeling AMAZING!

Some of my issues have begun to resolve themselves.

For those not aware, here are some of what were previously becoming a regular part of my daily life:

  • Headaches:  Haven't had ANY since I changed my diet. 
  • Heart Palpitations: None to report!
  • Joint Pain:  Not nearly as bad, and I haven't had to take any pain relievers.
  • Mid Day Fatigue: No problems there, and functioning much better at work!
  • Rash: Completely gone and skin is in the recovery process.
  • Thinning Hair: Starting to grow back in! 
  • Weight Gain: Finally in the reversal process and I'm now actually losing! 

I must admit, when I started my journey with this new team of doctors; I was completely skeptical. Some things I still don't understand fully, but the results really do speak for themselves.

Food sensitivities can affect you more than you could imagine. The correlation between them and several prominent health issues is of real concern, and I'm glad that research is being done. I couldn't imagine where I'd be if someone hadn't made the connection for me. It really has changed my life.

I'm getting better at not focusing on the foods that I miss (Because OH GODS there are some days I would kill for Pizza or a Gooey Dessert!) but I digress...too much of those things are what made me sick in the first place. I'll now gladly choose an apple over that piece of chocolate cake.

People occasionally look at me funny, but a good majority are moving toward understanding. There are still some who will try to feed me and think I'm crazy. They take offense when I turn down their fresh made goodies, and some may even tell you that gluten free is just a fad.

  • I have no desire to force my lifestyle on anyone. It REALLY is difficult...but I will ask you this: Why is it more acceptable to shove a pill down your throat instead of changing your diet? 

I may have initially been a skeptic, but that was then...

Call me a LION because now I DO BELIEVE! I DO! I DO! I DO! 

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