Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm not a Rabbit! I just eat like one. Maybe...?

You gotta admit...Rabbits are freaking cute. Well except for the fact that they can be a little high maintenance. They require attention, eat tons of lettuce and carrots, then poop a lot. Like really. A lot. I don't wanna be like that! So friends, take note...please stop telling me I'm eating like a rabbit!

I've had to change my whole diet thanks to this whole 'auto-immune thyroid god only knows whatever else' thing that's happening to me...and I mean completely change. Total 180. Or is it 360? I never was good at math! That's what my husband is for! But back to my point...

I've been talking the good talk about being 'Fit and Happy' but I really haven't been walking that walk. Yes, I've done a bunch of races, had some triumphs, and am overall way better then I used to be, but am I the best that I can be? My recent Wake Up Call has pretty much answered that...

Apparently Gluten and Processed or Enriched foods can severely affect your thyroid. If you've been reading my previous posts, you know that I've been battling some ridiculous hives, heart palpitations, and a bunch of other mess. The doctors' best theories point to all of this being related, and my body and my thyroid are basically at war. Isn't that crazy? If someone tells me that a better diet can help any of this get better, heck YES I'm gonna listen! I'm at wits end, and about ready to try anything!

I've been on this 'diet' for about 3 weeks now. I've cut gluten out as much as possible (still learning what's what with that) and pretty much don't touch processed or enriched food. A health coach that I've come to trust through all of this, put it into words I could easily understand...I'm pretty much on my way to what's commonly known as clean eating. If it has roamed on the ground (meaning Lean Meats) falls from a tree (meaning Fruits) or grows from the ground in natural ways (meaning Veggies and Naturally Gluten Free 'Grains' like Quinoa or Buckwheat) I can eat it. Or at least give it a try and see how I feel. I do also allow myself some dairy and nuts, but both in limited quantities.

I'm happy to report that I'm about 90% hive free at this point. Some of the other problems are still sticking around, but I'm seeing a Rheumatologist about this whole mess tomorrow. I will continue to remain positive and move forward.

There will always be strength in my smile... 

So...basically...if you happen to know me personally, and notice that I'm eating quite a bit differently then I used to; please know that it's not a fad. There's actually a reason for it.

If you don't personally know me, but have facebook... feel free to check out my daily adventures over at

Until next time friends...stay healthy, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on this one. Non processed, no gluten, no dairy. Sometimes its hard. Sometimes I slip. Its VERY worth it.
