Friday, June 15, 2012

Sink or Swim!

Please excuse the following rant, but I've been fairly positive up until this point!

As far as the triathlon is concerned, I am by no means the most amazing swimmer. I go to training, I learn a lot, I do my best. It's been kind of fun. Well, up until last night...I really don't know what it was, but I swam like crap! Maybe it was my first time in my new suit, or maybe it was the amazingly huge new pool and swim location...who knows?!?!?

No matter how hard I tried, I could not get a good rhythm going. I had floppy froggy legs, my arms didn't want to extend, I wasn't rolling enough to breathe AND I realized I've been holding my breath under water instead of breathing out. Ugh. It was seriously awkward.

I know I'm my own worst critic, and I really am too hard on myself sometimes, but last night, in the pool...I was one stroke away from quitting. Then I got mad at myself for thinking that, and it made me feel worse!

I stayed in the water at the edge of the pool and watched the other women swimming and cheering, and I silently wondered what in the heck made me think I could do this! Ugh. It was not one of my finest moments.

The smile and enthusiasm of one very patient mentor made my evening. She slowed me down, brought me back to the basics, and gave me a lot to think about. I really have come a long way.

Tomorrow is our 'mock triathlon.' It's the chance to put all of our training together. I'm not gonna lie, I'm more then a wee bit nervous about this. But I'm going to take tonight off, relax my achy body, and whatever happens tomorrow, happens. I've come this far, and I can't let one bad experience throw me off my game...

Stupid Brain...


  1. That pool is big and intimidating and loud. Show up Saturday and see how everything gets put together and you will be surprised, you are going to do great!! Woot-woot!!

  2. Dont let that brain of yours get in the way... you've been at this for 8 weeks now... you'll be jsut fine... and the anxiety of tomorrow at the Mock? dont worry... there is a bit of excitement in there too... and you'll do just fine! You GOT this!
