Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I AM a TRIATHLETE! - Warning: Long Post!

It's been a while, but life has calmed down, pictures have been uploaded, and now I'm ready to write about my experience. It was a long and hard road, but crossing that finish line has to be one of the most amazing moments in my life. I got to share it with my Husband, Family, and Friends, but now I'm ready to share it here:

It happened! As of July 15th, I AM a TRIATHLETE!

Day One - Packet Pick-Up / Prep Day

As with most races, you have to pick up your packet the day before. We piled the family into the car, and set out to go grab mine. Let me tell you, once that race number was in my hand, I almost cried. Things were starting to feel VERY real! The rest of the day, I was a bundle of nerves, I even got my husband lost on the way home. I was what the southerners call a 'Hot Mess!'

That evening, after my Husband made me a most delicious and healthy dinner, I sat down with my instructions and organized my transition equipment. I was so terrified I'd forget something, I think I repeated this process about five times until my brain was satisfied.

My Brain Never did Settle down that evening...I had to get up at 4am, and I don't think I fell asleep until almost 2am.

Day Two - RACE DAY!

After barely sleeping, I woke up before my alarm. I had a quiet breakfast by myself while the rest of the house grumbled at having to wake up before the sun. Before I knew it, the caravan was ready, and we were on our way.

Arriving at the race site, my friend and I made our way to the transition area to set up while everyone else settled in to find a good spot in the shade. With our transition area set up, it was time to grab our timing chips and get marked up for the race. There's nothing like the smell of a black marker first thing in the morning while your nerves are getting the best of you! Yuck! I was happy to see that a familiar face was marking everyone. Since she was one of the people that convinced me to do this, I asked her to write something special on my leg so that I could have her with me during the race: 

Before I knew it, we were lined up and ready to go. I remember hearing the Nation Anthem, and then from that point, I was pretty much running on automatic. I did not try to think, I just did it. I let everything I learned fall naturally into place, and all I had to do was push! I knew that if I stopped to think, my brain would get the best of me, and I might freak out. I could not let myself down!

Here's some of what happened along the way:

Apparently this is my serious swim face

Halfway through my swim

My Hardest Event - Bike

Transitioning out into my Run

At this point in the race, two of my mentors jumped in to do the run with me. While I don't remember really running, I know their voices were in my ears the whole time and pushing me to keep going. At some point on the last straightaway before the finish, my husband even met up with us to run with me. I barely realized this because I was so focused on getting to the finish line.

I was doing what we gals call the 'Ugly Cry' at this point as I rounded to the finish chute. Apparently I also channeled some Philly spirit to get me across that finish line all kinds of 'Rocky' style. I couldn't believe I had done it!

I do remember my Husband at the finish line, because he was one of the first people I wanted to see. I even had him put my race medal on me. I felt so loved and accomplished in his arms at this point.

As things started to calm down, one of my friends noticed that my medal was different then hers. Apparently they had run out before I got to the finish line, and gave me one left over from a previous race. I was almost heart broken, because I wanted the medal from this race, my FIRST race! One of the mentors (who was also one of the ones that ran with me!) switched with me and gave me hers. I hope she doesn't mind me using her picture, but this was a pretty awesome moment for me as well!

I have gotten so much out of this experience, and there are just too many people to thank. To My Husband, Family, Friends, Mentors, and Cheerleaders...I couldn't have done this without all of you.

What's Next you ask...Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!! I so know what it's like. I can not wait until the 18th :-)
